BioInt  1.02.00
BioInt: An integrative biological object-oriented application framework and interpreter
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00003 The BioBhasha : The Biologist's Programming Language 
00004 Version 1.0 (19th December 2001)
00005 Prasad, B.V.L.S.
00006 Contact:
00007 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00008 *****************************************************************************/
00009 #ifndef BIOATOM_H
00010 #define BIOATOM_H
00012 #include <fstream>
00013 #include <string>
00014 #include <cmath>
00015 #include <vector>
00016 #include "BioUtilities.h"
00017 #include "BioHelperClass.h"
00018 #include "BioPoint.h"
00020 using namespace std;
00022 /*****************************************************************************
00023  *
00024  * COMMENTARY on Each Class/Concept: Hows and Whys:
00025  *
00026  * BioAtom:
00027  *              A qualified Point is an Atom. 
00028  *              At Atom "Is-A" Point, even though At Atom "Has-A" Point can 
00029  *              also be considered. A Point when is qualified with an AtomName,
00030  *              AtomNumber, Occupancy and Bfactor(Atomic Displacement Parameter)
00031  *              it gets transformed into an Atom. Using this philosophy, 
00032  *              the BioAtom inherits from BioPoint. BioPoint is NOT composed into 
00033  *              BioAtom. 
00034  *****************************************************************************/
00036 class BioAtom : public BioPoint
00037 {
00038         string at_Name;
00039         long at_Number;
00040         float oc_,bf_;
00041         string at_Record_;      // This field has been created to facilitate the 
00042                                 //the user to change the RECORD according to his/
00043                                 //her wish. At times even the Atom is water coordinates, 
00044                                 //the RECORD should be ATOM. Some Programs identify 
00045                                 //only ATOM RECORD not HETATM RECORD. For Example,
00046                                 //ALIGN(Cohen), to align water coordinates also, the 
00047                                 //RECORD should be ATOM.This has either "ATOM  " or 
00048                                 //"HETATM". By default it is   "ATOM  ". This is the 
00049                                 //reason why it is put at the last argument which 
00050                                 //can defaulted. 
00051            friend bool operator >(const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00052            friend bool operator <(const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00053            friend bool operator ==(const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00055 public:
00056 // Default Constructor...
00057         BioAtom();
00058 /* The following constructor expects a file name which has ATOM/HETATM RECORD.
00059  * When this constructor is used, it takes only first/one line of ATOM/HETATM RECORD,
00060  * because BioAtom should hold information of only one atom coordinates.
00061  * This constructor may not be of much use.
00062  * *******************************************************************************/
00063         BioAtom(const string& );
00064         BioAtom(const BioAtom&);
00065         BioAtom& operator=(const BioAtom& );
00066 /*
00067  * This Constructor is specially useful, when one wants to transform the information 
00068  * of BioPoint to BioAtom. Hence it expects the user to give AtomName, AtomNumber ,
00069  * Occupancy, Bfactor. But the Occupancy and Bfactor are defaulted to 1.0 and 15.0.
00070  * ********************************************************************************/
00072         BioAtom(const unsigned long atnum_, const string atname_, const BioPoint& , 
00073                         const float oc1=1.0 , const float bf1=15.0, 
00074                         const string atrec = "ATOM  "); 
00075 /*
00076  * This constructor is useful for filling the BioAtom from a file which follows 
00077  * PDB format 2.2v, strictly. This is the constructor which is used very extensively
00078  * to write the PDB File Parser and Abstracting the Atom, Residue and Chain Information.
00079  * ********************************************************************************/
00080         BioAtom(const unsigned long atnumber,const string atname,
00081                 const float x1, const float y1, const float z1,
00082                 const float oc=1.0,const float bf=15.0,
00083                 const string atrec = "ATOM  "); 
00084 // Setting Options of all the information required for an Atom to become qualified. 
00085 // Unless necessary, these options need not be used as they directly change the
00086 // state of the Object. so, one should exercise these options with CARE!!!
00088         void setAtomName(string ) ;
00089         void setAtomNumber( unsigned long ) ;
00090         void setBfactor(float ) ;
00091         void setOccupancy(float ) ;
00093         void setAtom(const unsigned  long atnumber,const string atname,
00094                 const float x1, const float y1, const float z1,
00095                 const float oc=1.0,const float bf=15.0,
00096                 const string atrec = "ATOM  "); 
00098 // These options are for accessing the information, these have been very extensively
00099 // used for conditional and logical expressions and testing.
00100         string getAtomName() const ;
00102         unsigned long getAtomNumber() const ;
00104         float getBfactor() const ;
00106         float getOccupancy() const ;
00108         string getAtomRecord () const;
00110 // This Method gives the user to output the information of Atom in PDB format. 
00111 // By default it prints on the console. One can divert it to output stream i.e 
00112 // to any other device like another file..etc..
00113 // An Atom doesnot have any information about Residue Number, ResidueName, Chain, 
00114 // so PDB format would be expected  to have blanks at those respective places, 
00115 // which would not be read by many softwares if the Residue information is not 
00116 // given. To avoid such troubles, the user is given option of giving the ChainId, 
00117 // ResidueNumber, Residue Name as Arguments. The Atom will be displayed in PDB format
00118 // with ResidueName specified in the argument. Providing this option
00119 // is very advantages. This will become obvious when BioResidue is discussed. 
00121         void showAtom( ostream& = cout,string="AAA" ,int  = 0, char='A');
00122         friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BioAtom& ip);
00124 // Inherit the Comments from BioPoint. :-) :-).
00125 // This is created for User's Convinience.They might feel comfortable with a 
00126 // Qualified Point(BioAtom) than a Point (BioPoint).
00127         BioAtom getRotatedAtom(const float **a_ );
00128         BioAtom getRotatedAtom(const float a_, const char axis_);  
00129         BioAtom getTranslatedAtom(const float *a_);
00130         BioAtom getRotoTranslatedAtom(const float **a_,const float *b_ );
00131         BioAtom getRotoTranslatedAtom(const float a_ ,const char axis_ , 
00132                                                         const float *b_ );
00134 };
00137 float BioDistance( const BioAtom& , const BioAtom& );
00138 float BioAngle( const BioAtom& , const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00139 float BioTorsion( const BioAtom&, const BioAtom& , const BioAtom& ,
00140         const BioAtom& );
00142 vector <float> BioDirectionCosines( const BioAtom& , const BioAtom& );
00143 vector <float> BioVectorCrossProduct( const BioAtom&, const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00144 vector <float> BioVectorCrossProduct( const BioAtom&, const BioAtom& );
00146 BioAtom BioDifferenceVector(const BioAtom& , const BioAtom& );
00147 float BioDotProduct(const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00148 float BioDotMagnitude(const BioAtom& , const BioAtom&);
00149 BioAtom BioNormalize(const BioAtom& );
00150 BioMatrix helix(BioAtom c1, BioAtom c2, BioAtom c3, BioAtom c4);
00151 void helixAxisDirectionCosines(BioAtom c1, BioAtom c2, BioAtom c3, BioAtom c4,
00152                 float& l, float& m , float& n);
00153 #endif
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