BioInt: An integrative biological object-oriented application framework and interpreter
00001 #ifndef BIOPOSTSCRIPT_H 00002 #define BIOPOSTSCRIPT_H 00003 00004 #include <map> 00005 #include "BioData.h" 00006 00007 using namespace std; 00008 00009 class BioPostScript : public ofstream 00010 { 00011 private : 00012 void printDataFromShowData(BioData& bd,float startx,float starty); 00013 string psFile_; 00014 map<string,string> psFonts_; 00015 vector<double> multiPlotColors; 00016 00017 double rangeMinX_; double rangeMaxY_; 00018 double rangeMaxX_; double rangeMinY_; 00019 bool XRANGESET; 00020 bool YRANGESET; 00021 00022 bool CLOSECALLED; 00023 public : 00024 //Block parameters //page parameters 00025 int block_[4]; int page_[4]; 00026 float bgColor_[3]; float pBgColor_[3]; 00027 float bFontColor_[3]; float pFontColor_[3]; 00028 00029 //block variables //page variables 00030 string font_; string pFont_; 00031 string alignment_; string pAlignment_; 00032 float lineGap_; float pLineGap_; 00033 float fontSize_; float pFontSize_; 00034 float x_,y_; float px_,py_; 00035 int PAGEX1,PAGEY1,PAGEX2,PAGEY2; 00036 bool BOLD; bool pBOLD; 00037 bool ITALIC; bool pITALIC; 00038 bool UNDERLINE; bool pUNDERLINE; 00039 bool INBLOCK; bool pageBorder; 00040 00041 float bc[3]; 00042 void setBlockBackgroundColor(int r,int g,int b); 00043 void UpdateForBlock(ifstream&,ofstream&); 00044 void UpdateForPage(ifstream&,ofstream&); 00045 void setBorder(int*,float*); 00046 void write(void); 00047 void setText(ofstream&,string,bool); 00048 void setBoldItalic(void); 00049 00050 void showPieGraph(vector<double>,string="PIEGRAPH"); 00051 void showPieGraph(vector<double>,vector<string>,string="PIEGRAPH"); 00052 void showBarGraph (vector<double>,string="Bargraph",string="xtitle",string="ytitle",bool AS_IT_IS=0,bool=0); 00053 void showBarGraph (vector<double>,vector<string>,string="Bargraph",string="xtitle",string="ytitle",bool AS_IT_IS=0,bool=0);//added on 20-december'04 00054 00055 void showLineGraph (vector<double>,vector<double>,double minx,double miny,double maxy,string="Linegraph",string="xtitle",string="ytitle",bool=0); 00056 // void showLineGraph (vector<double>,vector<double>,string="LINEGRAPH",string="XTITLE",string="YTITLE",bool=0); 00057 00058 public : 00059 BioPostScript(){} 00060 BioPostScript(string file); 00061 ~BioPostScript(); 00062 00063 void BioPostScriptClose(); 00064 00065 void setPostScriptFile(string filename); 00066 00067 void setBlockBegin(int x,int y,int width,int height,int r=255,int g=255,int b=255,bool border=0,int r1=0,int g1=0,int b1=0); 00068 void setBlockEnd(); 00069 00070 void setFontColor(float,float,float); 00071 void setFont(string fontname); 00072 void setFontSize(float size); 00073 00074 void setText(string text); 00075 00076 void setAlign(string); 00077 00078 void setStyle(const string font,float size,bool bold=0,bool italic=0,bool underline=0); 00079 00080 //added on 16 march 2005 00081 void setUnderLine(bool YESorNO=0); 00082 00083 void setPage(int,int,int,int,int=255,int=255,int=255,bool=0,int=0,int=0,int=0,bool=1); 00084 void setPageDefault(void); 00085 00086 void setBreakLine(int n=1); 00087 00088 void setText(string,float,float); 00089 00090 void setBold(bool); 00091 void setItalic(bool); 00092 00093 void setDefaults(void); 00094 00095 void endPage(void); 00096 00097 //Geometrics 00098 void setLine(float,float,float,float); 00099 //added on 12th Jan 2005 00100 void setPoint(int x1,int y1,float width=1.0); 00101 void setRectangle(int lowerLeftx,int lowerLefty,int width,int height,bool fill=0); 00102 void setCircle(int x1,int y1,int radius,bool fill=0); 00103 void setTriangle(int x1,int y1,int size, bool fill=0); 00104 void setLineWidth(float width=1.0); 00105 00106 void setTics(float x,float y,float barLength,int sequenceLen,int howMany); 00107 void setTics(float x,float y,float barLength,int start,int sequenceLen,int howMany); 00108 void setYTics(float x,float y,int offset); 00109 void setXTics(float x,float y,int offset); 00110 00111 int getHeight(int,float=10.0); 00112 int getWidth(int,float=10.0,string="TIMES"); 00113 00114 //Piegraphs 00115 void showPieGraph(BioData,string="PIEGRAPH");//added on 20-december'04 00116 void showMultiplePieGraphs(vector<BioData>,vector<string>); 00117 void showMultiplePieGraphs(vector<BioData>); 00118 00119 //BarGraphs 00120 //the final bool value indicates if the "values" must be displayed or not 00121 //bool represents whether to display values in the graph or not. 00122 00123 void showBarGraph (BioData,string title="Bargraph",string xtitle="xtitle",string ytitle="ytitle",bool AS_IT_IS=0,bool=0); 00124 void showBarGraph (BioData,int colno,string title="Bargraph",string xtitle="xtitle",string ytitle="ytitle",bool AS_IT_IS=0,bool=0); 00125 void showMultipleBarGraphs(vector<BioData>,vector<string> title,vector<string> xtitle,vector<string> ytitle,bool AS_IT_IS=0,bool=0); 00126 void showMultipleBarGraphs(vector<BioData>,bool AS_IT_IS=0,bool b=0); 00127 00128 00129 //Linegraph 00130 00131 void showLineGraph (BioData,string title="Linegraph",string xtitle="xlabel",string ytitle="ylabel",bool s=0); 00132 void showLineGraph (BioData,vector<string> labels,string title="Linegraph",string xtitle="xlabel",string ytitle="ylabel",bool s=0); 00133 void showMultipleLineGraphs(vector<BioData>,vector<string> title,vector<string> xtitle,vector<string> ytitle,bool=0); 00134 void showMultipleLineGraphs(vector<BioData>,bool b=0); 00135 00136 //Biodata related 00137 void showData (BioData& bd,float startx,float starty); 00138 00139 //added on 29-apr-05 00140 void setXRange(double minx,double maxx); 00141 void setYRange(double miny,double maxy); 00142 00143 }; 00144 00145 #endif